Water Products
These self-weighted air diffusers have been independently proven to outperform commercial disc diffusers by 24% with regards to SOTR and 20% SOTE. They have been available for over 20 years and used in both freshwater and seawater environments.

Energy Products
Commercial solar power systems have been steadily falling in price. If you are paying more than 12c/kWh we can offer a strong business case for solar. Would installing solar be the right option for your organisation? To find out we are offering free solar energy business assessments.

Reduce RO and Boiler Operating Costs
If your plant includes a Reverse Osmosis water filtration system or Commercial Boiler, we can show you how to reduce your operating costs by up to 33%. By pre-filtering feed water with an Optimised Velocity AFM automatic filter.
Essential Water and Energy Services market an expanding line-up of water and energy products and services that offer economic solutions for a wide range of projects.
We work with a small team of people from different companies who are Internationally connected to the latest developments and the most advanced technology and products. With a diverse range of backgrounds this team collectively brings together considerable knowledge and experience that has been gained over many years in their respective fields.

Commercial Solar
Together with our solar partner we design and build solar power plants of all sizes, either with or without energy storage. These can be roof mounted, ground mounted, or floating on lakes or dams.

Industrial Water Filtration
Displayed at a water products exhibition are two models of the new Optimised Velocity (OV) AFM automatic water filters. These media filters offer superior water filtration performance to any other comparable filtration system.

Energy Storage
See the new Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) System scalable from 50kWh to 100MWh.

Public Swimming Pools
Find out about an integrated system that will provide crystal clear healthy swimming pool water and reduce chlorine use.

New Legionella bacteria protection system for water networks in hospitals, commercial buildings and cooling towers.

Research has shown that microbubble and nanobubble technology can contribute to plant growth and improved crop yields.